
Parvaneh Joharinad, and Jürgen Jost. Weighted complexes, cohomology and Laplace operators. Mathematics of Data, 65--81, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023. [PUMA: Laplace Weighted cohomology complexes operators]

Nico Domschke, Bruno Schmidt, Thomas Gatter, Richard Golnik, Paul Eisenhuth, Fabian Liessmann, Jens Meiler, and Peter F Stadler. Crossover Operators for Molecular Graphs with an Application to Virtual Drug Screening. American Chemical Society (ACS), September 2024. [PUMA: Crossover Drug Graphs Molecular Operators Screening Virtual] URL

Nico Domschke, Bruno Schmidt, Thomas Gatter, Richard Golnik, Paul Eisenhuth, Fabian Liessmann, Jens Meiler, and Peter F Stadler. Crossover Operators for Molecular Graphs with an Application to Virtual Drug Screening. American Chemical Society (ACS), September 2024. [PUMA: Screening Molecular Operators Graphs Crossover Virtual from:scadsfct Drug] URL