
Nils Küchenmeister, Alex Ivliev, und Markus Krötzsch. Towards Mass Spectrum Analysis with ASP. 200-214, Oktober 2024. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Paul Eisenhuth, Fabian Liessmann, Rocco Moretti, und Jens Meiler. REvoLd: Ultra-Large Library Screening with an Evolutionary Algorithm in Rosetta. 2024. [PUMA: Algorithm Evolutionary Library REvoLd Rosetta Screening Ultra-Large imported nopdf] URL

Dörthe Arndt, Jos De Roo, Patrick Hochstenbach, Rebekka Martens, Femke Ongenae, und Mathijs van Noort. RDF Surfaces as a First-Order Language for the Semantic Web. In Sabrina Kirrane, Mantas Simkus, Ahmet Soylu, und Dumitru Roman (Hrsg.), Rules and Reasoning, 200--216, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024. [PUMA: Language RDF_Surfaces First-Order Semantic Web imported nopdf]

Karsten Haustein, Hannes Zacher, Katja Liebal, Marie Eichholz, und Ulrike Mühlhaus. Justice and urban transformation in light of accelerating climate change . Copernicus GmbH, November 2024. [PUMA: imported nopdf yaff] URL

Pramod Baddam, Ayse Glass, René Jäkel, Jonathan Jander, Tom Krause, Pamela Kunert, Järg Rainer Noennig, Iryna Okhrin, Mariela Sanchez, und Ulrike Steffens. Evaluating Tabular Data Generation Techniques on the DaFne Platform: Insights from a Predictive Maintenance Case Study on Bridges. In Xin-She Yang, Simon Sherratt, Nilanjan Dey, und Amit Joshi (Hrsg.), Proceedings of Ninth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, 611--628, Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, 2024. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Artur Skoczylas, Bogdan Franczyk, Wieslawa Gryncewicz, und Ryszard Zygala. Decision Support in Production Environment Using Artificial Intelligence. 50-61, August 2024. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Matthias Mueller, Bogdan Franczyk, und Jens Weiland. Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme in der Produktentwicklung von Unternehmen. GI, 2023. [PUMA: imported nopdf] URL

Bogdan Franczyk, Michael Zwanzger, Gerhard Heyer, Philippe Krajsic, Martin Käßner, Leonie Gass, Loana Ebenthal, Leon Herrbruck, Daniel Lahr, Maik Pradel, und others. ELISA-Intelligent consumer protection system to enforce tenancy rights (Intelligentes Verbrauchschutzsystem zur Durchsetzung von Mietrechten): Schlussbericht, Stand September 2022: Projektlaufzeit: 01.01. 2020-30.06. 2022. Universität Leipzig, 2022. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

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Ringo Baumann, und Hannes Strass. Consequence Operators of Characterization Logics – The Case of Abstract Argumentation. 154-166, Oktober 2024. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Qi Zhao, Bai Yan, Yuhui Shi, und Martin Middendorf. Evolutionary Dynamic Multiobjective Optimization via Learning From Historical Search Process. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, (52)7:6119-6130, 2022. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

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Leo Sperling, Simon Lämmer, Gerik Scheuermann, und Christina Gillmann. Uncertainty-aware Evaluation of Machine Learning Performance in binary Classification Tasks. Mai 2022. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Petra Gospodnetic, Christina Gillmann, und Gerik Scheuermann. Special Issue on Visualization in Manufacturing. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, (42)2:8-9, März 2022. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

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Felix Raith, Baldwin Nsonga, Gerik Scheuermann, und Christian Heine. Fast Fiber Line Extraction for 2D Bivariate Scalar Fields. 2023 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 156-160, Oktober 2023. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Baldwin Nsonga, Andy Berres, Robert Jeffers, Caitlyn Clark, Hans Hagen, und Gerik Scheuermann. Extreme Weather and the Power Grid: A Case Study of Winter Storm Uri. 2024 IEEE Workshop on Energy Data Visualization (EnergyVis), 34-39, Oktober 2024. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Andy Berres, Baldwin Nsonga, Caitlyn Clark, Robert Jeffers, Hans Hagen, und Gerik Scheuermann. Evaluating the Impact of Power Outages on Occupancy Patterns During the 2021 Texas Power Crisis. 2024 IEEE Workshop on Energy Data Visualization (EnergyVis), 40-45, Oktober 2024. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Chiara Hergl, Carina Witt, Baldwin Nsonga, Andreas Menzel, und Gerik Scheuermann. Electromechanical Coupling in Electroactive Polymers – a Visual Analysis of a Third-Order Tensor Field. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (29)12:5357-5371, Dezember 2023. [PUMA: imported nopdf]

Robin G. C. Maack, Felix Raith, Juan F. Pérez, Gerik Scheuermann, und Christina Gillmann. A workflow to systematically design uncertainty-aware visual analytics applications. The Visual Computer, 07.06.2024. [PUMA: imported nopdf] URL