
Sandra Bohlinger, and Sandra Hummel. Digital Capacity Building in Teacher Education: An Environmental Case Study from Cambodia. In Sandra Hummel (Eds.), Empowering Education in Cambodia and Sri Lanka: Advancing Quality in 21st Century Teaching and Learning, 31--50, SPRINGER VS/SPRINGER FACHMEDIEN, Germany, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, Mana-Teresa Donner, and Rudolf Egger. Lehren mit Learning Analytics: Qualifizierungsprogramm für die Hochschullehre. University of Graz, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, and Manjula Vithanapathirana. Enhancing Contemporary Teaching Skills to Address the Changing Role of Teachers as a Result of the Long-Term Social Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of the International Webinar on Long-Term Social Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic, 98--103, The National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, and Mana-Teresa Donner. Digital Companions for Learners: Design Principles for AI Assistants in Education. Jun 15, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf] URL

Sandra Hummel, and Mana-Teresa Donner. Lehren mit Learning Analytics. University of Graz, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Phillip Assinger, and Sandra Hummel. Introductory Overview. Shaping Tomorrow Today, 1--12, SPRINGER VS/SPRINGER FACHMEDIEN, Germany, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, Rudolf Egger, and Mana-Teresa Donner. Lehren mit KI: Learning Analytics für mehr Studierendenorientierung in der Hochschullehre?. In Thomas Köhler, Eric Schoop, Nina Kahnwald, and Ralph Sonntag (Eds.), Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. Digitalität und Diversität. Mit digitaler Transformation Barrieren überwinden!? 26. Workshop GeNeMe'23., 7, TUDpress/Thelem Universitätsverlag, Deutschland, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel. KI-Innovationen: Neue Horizonte für die Erwachsenenbildung. Die österreichische Volkshochschule : Magazin für die Erwachsenenbildung, (2023)280Verb., Wien, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, Mirjam Brodacz-Geier, and Bridget Sheehan. Pedagogical Professionalization in Digital Contexts. In Sandra Hummel (Eds.), Empowering Education in Cambodia and Sri Lanka: Advancing Quality in 21st Century Teaching and Learning, 205--221, SPRINGER VS/SPRINGER FACHMEDIEN, Germany, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, and Mana-Teresa Donner. Student Needs and the Role of AI Mentors in Higher Education. Jul 11, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf] URL

Sandra Hummel, Sarah Aldrian, and Bridget Sheehan. Culture, Education and Digital Transformation in Sri Lanka. In Sandra Hummel (Eds.), Empowering Education in Cambodia and Sri Lanka: Advancing Quality in 21st Century Teaching and Learning, 9--29, SPRINGER VS/SPRINGER FACHMEDIEN, Germany, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, and Mana-Teresa Donner. Teaching Innovation Workshop: Skill Transformation in AI-Enhanced Education. Nov 12, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf] URL

Sandra Hummel, and Mana-Teresa Donner. Learning Analytics für die Hochschullehre. University of Graz, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, and Mana-Teresa Donner. Motivational Impacts of AI on Student Learning. Jun 16, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf] URL

Sandra Hummel, Thomas Köhler, Natasa Brouwer-Zupanicic, Rudolf Egger, and Michael Rieger. Empowering Students with AI-based Chatbot Assistants: A New Era of Higher Education?. In Thomas Kohler, Eric Schoop, Nina Kahnwald, and Ralph Sonntag (Eds.), Communities in New Media. Inclusive digital: Forming Community in an Open Way Self-determined Participation in the Digital Transformation, 38 -- 43, TUDpress/Thelem Universitätsverlag, Germany, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf] URL

Sandra Hummel, and Mana-Teresa Donner. The Dual Impact of AI in Academia: From Deskilling Risks to Upskilling Opportunities. Jun 25, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf] URL

Sandra Hummel, Mana-Teresa Donner, and Rudolf Egger. Lehren mit Learning Analytics: Empfehlungen für das Coaching von Lehrenden. University of Graz, 2023. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Rudolf Egger, and Sandra Hummel. Biographieforschung und Hochschulforschung. In Dieter Nittel, Heide von Felden, and Meron Mendel (Eds.), Erziehungswissenschaftliche Biographieforschung und Biographiearbeit, 574--585, Verlag Julius Beltz GmbH, Deutschland, 2022. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]

Sandra Hummel, and Mana-Teresa Donner. Motivational Dynamics in AI-Enhanced Education: Unveiling Student Perspectives. Jul 12, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf] URL

Sandra Hummel. Embodied Teaching: Corporeal Expressiveness in Classroom Communication. SPRINGER VS/SPRINGER FACHMEDIEN, Germany, 2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads area_responsibleai imported nopdf]