
Christian Genest, Ostap Okhrin, und Taras Bodnar. Copula modeling from Abe Sklar to the present day. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, (201)Academic Press Inc., Mai 2024. [PUMA: topic_engineering Copula Dependence FIS_scads modeling models,]

Erik Marx, Clemens Witt, und Thiemo Leonhardt. Identifying Secondary School Students' Misconceptions about Machine Learning: An Interview Study. WiPSCE '24: Proceedings of the 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research, 1--10, Association for Computing Machinery, 16.09.2024. [PUMA: area_responsibleai FIS_scads artificial conceptions intelligence, interview learning, machine mental misconceptions, models, qualitative research, students study,]

Erik Marx, Thiemo Leonhardt, und Nadine Bergner. Brief Summary of Existing Research on Students’ Conceptions of AI. 1--2, Oktober 2022. [PUMA: area_responsibleai FIS_scads artificial beliefs, conceptions, education, ideas, intelligence, k-12 learning, machine mental models, preconceptions]

Erik Marx, Thiemo Leonhardt, und Nadine Bergner. Secondary school students' mental models and attitudes regarding artificial intelligence - A scoping review. Computers and education: artificial intelligence, (5)5:1--13, Elsevier Science B.V., Januar 2023. [PUMA: area_responsibleai Artificial Attitudes, Conceptions, FIS_scads K-12 Mental Scoping education, intelligence, models, review]