Data-driven determination of plant growth stages for improved weather index insurance design. Agricultural Finance Review, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, 2024. [PUMA: topic_engineering FIS_scads Generalized Machine Plant Temporal Weather additive basis growth index insurance learning, model, risk, stages,]
Plant growth stages and weather index insurance design. Annals of actuarial science, (17)3:438--458, Cambridge University Press, 03.11.2023. [PUMA: topic_engineering FIS_scads PS-ANOVA, Weather additive generalized growth indemnity, index insurance model, nonlinear plant stages,]
Winter climate preconditioning of summer vegetation extremes in the Northern Hemisphere. Environmental research letters, (19)9IOP Publishing Ltd., 01.09.2024. [PUMA: FIS_scads activity, area climate compound effects, events, extremes, index leaf legacy vegetation winter]