
Markus Bauer, and Christoph Augenstein. Self-supervised learning in histopathology: New perspectives for prostate cancer grading. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 348--360, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2024. [PUMA: Yaff cancer grading histopathology learning prostate self-supervised topic_lifescience]

Jules Scholler, Joel Jonsson, Tomás Jordá-Siquier, Ivana Gantar, Laura Batti, Bevan L Cheeseman, Stéphane Pagès, Ivo F Sbalzarini, and Christophe M Lamy. Efficient image analysis for large-scale next generation histopathology using pAPRica. bioRxiv, January 2023. [PUMA: Efficient Yaff analysis generation histopathology image large-scale {pAPRica}]