Assessing Data Usefulness for Failure Analysis in Anonymized System Logs. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), 164--171, Geneva, Switzerland, Juni 2018. [PUMA: Data Distributed Encoding, Encryption, High Measurement, Privacy, analysis, anonymization, behavior computing, databases, detection, dissertation encoding, failure high myOwn performance privacy, usefulness,]
A Data Driven Modelling Approach for the Strain Rate Dependent 3D Shear Deformation and Failure of Thermoplastic Fibre Reinforced Composites: Experimental Characterisation and Deriving Modelling Parameters. Journal of Composites Science, (6)10:318, MDPI, 2022. [PUMA: topic_engineering 3D Approach Characterisation Composites Data Deformation Dependent Driven Experimental Failure Fibre Modelling Rate Reinforced Shear Strain Thermoplastic]