MarrowQuant 2.0: a digital pathology workflow assisting bone marrow evaluation in experimental and clinical hematology. Modern Pathology, 100088, 2023. [PUMA: adiposity, bone cellularity, digital hematopathology, marrow open-source, pathology, stroma,] URL
A Decade of Shared Tasks in Digital Text Forensics at PAN. In Leif Azzopardi, Benno Stein, Norbert Fuhr, Philipp Mayr, Claudia Hauff, and Djoerd Hiemstra (Eds.), Advances in Information Retrieval. 41st European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2019), (11438):291--300, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York, April 2019. [PUMA: Decade Digital Forensics PAN Shared Tasks Text Zno]
Immune digital twins for complex human pathologies: applications, limitations, and challenges. npj Systems Biology and Applications, (10)1Springer Science and Business Media LLC, November 2024. [PUMA: Immune Yaff challenges digital human limitations pathologies twins] URL
A digital twin model for evidence-based clinical decision support in multiple myeloma treatment. Frontiers in Digital Health, (5)Frontiers Media SA, December 2023. [PUMA: Zno clinical decision digital evidence-based multiple myeloma support treatment twin] URL
An Open-Source Approach for Digital Prostate Cancer Histopathology: Bringing AI into Practice. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 1: ICEIS, 729-738, SciTePress, 2024. [PUMA: AI Cancer Digital Histopatholog Open-Source Prostate nopdf]
Ten Topics to Get Started in Medical Informatics Research. Journal of Medical Internet Research, (25)JMIR Publications Inc., Jul 24, 2023. [PUMA: topic_lifescience Algorithms, Clinical Curriculum, Digital FIS_scads Germany, Health Humans, Informatics, Interdisciplinary Medical Research clinical communication, data, digital health health, informatics informatics, interdisciplinary medical research]
Weakly supervised annotation-free cancer detection and prediction of genotype in routine histopathology. J. Pathol., (256)1:50--60, Wiley, January 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience Lynch artificial cancer; colorectal computational deep digital instability intelligence; learning; microsatellite pathology; syndrome;]
Deep learning identifies inflamed fat as a risk factor for lymph node metastasis in early colorectal cancer. J. Pathol., (256)3:269--281, Wiley, March 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience AI; LNM adipose and artificial biomarker; bowel cancer; colorectal deep digital early inflamed intelligence; learning; metastasis; new pT1 pT2 pathology; prediction predictive tissue;]
The future of artificial intelligence in digital pathology - results of a survey across stakeholder groups. Histopathology, (80)7:1121--1127, Wiley, June 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience artificial digital intelligence; pathology; survey]