Deep learning identifies inflamed fat as a risk factor for lymph node metastasis in early colorectal cancer. J. Pathol., (256)3:269--281, Wiley, March 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience AI; LNM adipose and artificial biomarker; bowel cancer; colorectal deep digital early inflamed intelligence; learning; metastasis; new pT1 pT2 pathology; prediction predictive tissue;]
Model soups improve performance of dermoscopic skin cancer classifiers. Eur. J. Cancer, (173):307--316, Elsevier BV, September 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience Artificial Calibration; Deep Dermatology; Ensembles; Generalisation; Melanoma; Model Nevus; Robustness intelligence; learning; soups;]
Artificial intelligence-based detection of FGFR3 mutational status directly from routine histology in bladder cancer: A possible preselection for molecular testing?. Eur. Urol. Focus, (8)2:472--479, Elsevier BV, March 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience Artificial Bladder Deep FGFR3 Molecular cancer; factor fibroblast for growth intelligence; learning; mutations; receptor testing therapy]
Artificial intelligence in liver diseases: Improving diagnostics, prognostics and response prediction. JHEP Rep., (4)4:100443, Elsevier BV, April 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience AI, Artificial CNN, Communications DICOM, Diagnosis; Digital HCC, Imaging Individual ML, MVI, Medicine; NAFLD, NASH, Prognosis Reporting TACE, TRIPOD, Transparent WSIs, a and artificial carcinoma; chemoembolisation; convolutional data deep diagnostic disease; fatty for hepatocellular images; imaging; in integration intelligence; invasion; learning; liver machine microvascular model multimodal multivariable network; neural non-alcoholic of or prediction slide steatohepatitis; support system; transarterial whole]
Introduction to the BioChemical Library (BCL): An application-based open-source toolkit for integrated cheminformatics and machine learning in computer-aided drug discovery. Front. Pharmacol., (13):833099, Frontiers Media SA, February 2022. [PUMA: topic_lifescience BCL; QSAR; biochemical cheminformatics; deep design; discovery; drug library; network; neural open-source]
Automatic lung segmentation and quantification of aeration in computed tomography of the chest using 3D transfer learning. Front. Physiol., (12):725865, 2021. [PUMA: ARDS; COVID-19; Jaccard deep index; learning; lung recruitment; segmentation; transfer uNet]
Memory-efficient deep learning on a SpiNNaker 2 prototype. Front. Neurosci., (12):840, Frontiers Media SA, November 2018. [PUMA: SpiNNaker; deep efficient energy footprint; hardware; memory parallelism; pruning; rewiring; sparsity]
Deep learning improves pancreatic cancer diagnosis using RNA-based variants. Cancers (Basel), (13)11:2654, MDPI AG, May 2021. [PUMA: association cancer; chronic deep learning; pancreatic pancreatitis; study topic_lifescience transcriptome-wide]
Predicting mutational status of driver and suppressor genes directly from histopathology with Deep Learning: A systematic study across 23 solid tumor types. Front. Genet., (12):806386, 2021. [PUMA: (AI); TCGA; artificail cancer deep genes; genetic intelligence learning; pathway pathway;]
SpheroScan: a user-friendly deep learning tool for spheroid image analysis. Gigascience, (12)Oxford University Press (OUP), December 2022. [PUMA: topic_federatedlearn 3D Image Mask R-CNN; analysis; deep high-throughput image learning; screening; segmentation spheroids;]