Targeting adhesion G protein-coupled receptors. Current status and future perspectives. Structure, Elsevier, November 2024. [PUMA: topic_lifescience ADGRG1; ADGRG2; ADGRG3; ADGRG5; ADGRG6; ADGRG7; GPCRs; GPR114; GPR126; GPR128; GPR56; GPR64; GPR97; adhesion area_bigdata discovery; drug ep ligands; molecules; small structure]
The fungal snoRNAome. RNA, (24)3:342--360, March 2018. [PUMA: RNAs; conservation; evolution; fungi; nucleolar small snoRNA snoRNA; switch target target;]
A workflow to identify novel proteins based on the direct mapping of peptide-spectrum-matches to genomic locations. BMC Bioinformatics, (22)1:277, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, May 2021. [PUMA: Metaproteogenomics; Microbial Peptide-spectrum Small communitities; matches; proteins]