
Johannes Kiesel, Florian Kneist, Lars Meyer, Kristof Komlossy, Benno Stein, und Martin Potthast. Web Page Segmentation Revisited: Evaluation Framework and Dataset. In Mathieu d'Aquin, Stefan Dietze, Claudia Hauff, Edward Curry, und Philippe Cudré-Mauroux (Hrsg.), 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020), 3047--3054, ACM, Oktober 2020. [PUMA: Dataset Evaluation Framework Page Revisited Segmentation Web Zno]

Dianzhao Li, und Ostap Okhrin. A platform-agnostic deep reinforcement learning framework for effective Sim2Real transfer towards autonomous driving. Commun Eng, (3)1:147, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Oktober 2024. [PUMA: Sim2Real Xack autonomous deep driving framework learning platform-agnostic reinforcement]

Yangjun Zhang, Pengjie Ren, und Maarten de Rijke. A human-machine collaborative framework for evaluating malevolence in dialogues. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), 5612--5623, 2021. [PUMA: Zno collaborative evaluating framework human-machine malevolence]