Efficient image analysis for large-scale next generation histopathology using pAPRica. bioRxiv, Januar 2023. [PUMA: Efficient Yaff analysis generation histopathology image large-scale {pAPRica}]
SynTemp: Efficient Extraction of Graph-Based Reaction Rules from Large-Scale Reaction Databases. American Chemical Society (ACS), September 2024. [PUMA: Databases Efficient Extraction Graph-Based Large-Scale Reaction Rules SynTemp Xack imported] URL
Private, Efficient and Scalable Kernel Learning for Medical Image Analysis. 2024. [PUMA: Efficient Kernel_Learning Medical_Image_Analysis Private Scalable Yaff imported] URL
Maximum-Likelihood Estimation Using the Zig-Zag Algorithm. Journal of Financial Econometrics, (21)4:1346-1375, 2023. [PUMA: topic_engineering Bitcoin Gauß–Seidel conditional correlation dynamic efficient estimation iterative] URL
Memory-efficient deep learning on a SpiNNaker 2 prototype. Front. Neurosci., (12):840, Frontiers Media SA, November 2018. [PUMA: SpiNNaker; deep efficient energy footprint; hardware; memory parallelism; pruning; rewiring; sparsity]