
Avinash Patel, Hyun Ou Lee, Louise M. Jawerth, S. K. Maharana, Marcus Jähnel, Marco Y Hein, Stoyno Stefanov Stoynov, Julia Mahamid, Shambaditya Saha, Titus M Franzmann, Andrej Pozniakovski, Ina Poser, Nicola Maghelli, Loic A. Royer, Martin Weigert, Eugene W. Myers, Stephan W Grill, David N. Drechsel, Anthony A. Hyman, and Simon Alberti. A Liquid-to-Solid Phase Transition of the ALS Protein FUS Accelerated by Disease Mutation. Cell, (162):1066-1077, 2015. [PUMA: imported]