
Alexa Sadier, Neal Anthwal, Andrew L Krause, Renaud Dessalles, Michael Lake, Laurent Bentolila, Robert Haase, Natalie Nieves, Sharlene Santana, and Karen Sears. Bat teeth illuminate the diversification of mammalian tooth classes. bioRxiv, 2021--12, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2021. [PUMA: zno]

Robert Haase. Optimisation and Validation of a Swarm Intelligence Based Segmentation Algorithm for Low Contrast Positron Emission Tomography. 2014. [PUMA: nopdf]

Ivana Viktorinová, Robert Haase, Tobias Pietzsch, Ian Henry, and Pavel Tomancak. Analysis of actomyosin dynamics at local cellular and tissue scales using time-lapse movies of cultured drosophila egg chambers. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 148:e58587, 2019. [PUMA: zno]

Kristin Stützer, Robert Haase, Fabian Lohaus, Steffen Barczyk, Florian Exner, Steffen Löck, Jan Rühaak, Bianca Lassen-Schmidt, Dörte Corr, and Christian Richter. Evaluation of a deformable registration algorithm for subsequent lung computed tomography imaging during radiochemotherapy. Medical Physics, (43)9:5028--5039, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 2016. [PUMA: zno]

R Haase, R Perrin, K Zöphel, H-J Böhme, N Abolmaali, and others. Swarm intelligence allows automatic volume analysis basing on low contrast 18 F-fluoromisonidazole-PET of head and neck cancer patients. 2013. [PUMA: nopdf]