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Equivalence in Argumentation Frameworks with a Claim-centric View: Classical Results with Novel Ingredients, , und . Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, (Juli 2023)Limits and Possibilities of Forgetting in Abstract Argumentation, und . Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seite 2539–2545. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, (Juli 2022)Shedding new light on the foundations of abstract argumentation: Modularization and weak admissibility, , und . Artif. Intell., 310 (103742): 103742 (September 2022)An abstract, logical approach to characterizing strong equivalence in non-monotonic knowledge representation formalisms, und . Artif. Intell., 305 (103680): 103680 (April 2022)A Python Script for Abstract Dialectical Frameworks, und . (2020)On Naive Labellings--Realizability, Construction and Patterns of Redundancy, und . International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, Seite 125--143. Springer, (2024)Timed abstract dialectical frameworks: A simple translation-based approach, und . Computational Models of Argument: Proceedings of COMMA 2020, (2020)Comparing weak admissibility semantics to their Dung-style counterparts (extended abstract), , und . Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, California, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, (August 2021)Lattice Theoretical Analysis of Dung-style AFs-Information and Reachability Order., und . FCR@ KI, Seite 53--65. (2022)Consequence Operators of Characterization Logics – The Case of Abstract Argumentation, und . Seite 154-166. (Oktober 2024)