
Old System Tools

GoogleSonomy (Firefox add on)

This add on is only working with Firefox version 1.5 - 3.6.
GoogleSonomy is a Firefox extension that shows you PUMA search results along your Google search. In the current version four search modes are available: tag search as well as fulltext search (in each case global and on user base). Furthermore GoogleSonomy adds a bookmarkIt link to the google search results for fast posting in PUMA.

In the settings window below you can specify whether you want to retrieve only bookmarks, publications or both and how many entries per list should be displayed. You can download this extension from Mozillas Addon Page.

Collect Bibtex entries from Latex aux files

The perl script isn't available anymore.
The perl script you can download below collects all the BibTeX entries referenced in a particular LaTeX file in aux format. It then requests the corresponding BibTeX entries from PUMA.

Command to start the script:

grabbib.pl username LaTeX aux file name > bibtexfile.bib


Gnome deskbar integration

The development for the gnome deskbar ended in 2010.
The goal of the deskbar is to provide one search interface to different search systems such as Amazon, eBay, or your file system. You can integrate PUMA into the Gnome Deskbar with the Gnome Deskbar handler for PUMA, licensed under the GPL 2. (Thanks to Jörn Dreyer). Just follow the steps below:

  • Download the script.
  • Move the script to $HOME/.gnome2/deskbar-applet/handlers.
  • Right click on the deskbar item and enable PUMA Bookmarks.
  • Click on more. A menu pops up in which you need to enter your PUMA username (see picture below).

Gnome Deskbar Handler

When you enter a term in the deskbar it might take a few seconds before the result of PUMA will appear.


CiteSmart's website isn't available anymore.
CiteSmart is a citation software supported by PUMA. This software provides an easy way to extract data from our website and to establish references in various formats for articles written in Word. In this way, it facilitates the process of writing scientific articles and supports the scientific work of researchers.

Click here to go back to beginner's area and learn more about the basic functions.