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%0 Journal Article
%1 stutzer2016evaluation
%A Stützer, Kristin
%A Haase, Robert
%A Lohaus, Fabian
%A Barczyk, Steffen
%A Exner, Florian
%A Löck, Steffen
%A Rühaak, Jan
%A Lassen-Schmidt, Bianca
%A Corr, Dörte
%A Richter, Christian
%D 2016
%I American Association of Physicists in Medicine
%J Medical Physics
%K zno
%N 9
%P 5028--5039
%T Evaluation of a deformable registration algorithm for subsequent lung computed tomography imaging during radiochemotherapy
%V 43
added-at = {2025-03-13T18:54:05.000+0100},
author = {St{\"u}tzer, Kristin and Haase, Robert and Lohaus, Fabian and Barczyk, Steffen and Exner, Florian and L{\"o}ck, Steffen and R{\"u}haak, Jan and Lassen-Schmidt, Bianca and Corr, D{\"o}rte and Richter, Christian},
biburl = {},
interhash = {e16e3607fceb4e00eabf224aa94d5004},
intrahash = {1a590816cfb96d745949dd9af447ebd3},
journal = {Medical Physics},
keywords = {zno},
number = 9,
pages = {5028--5039},
publisher = {American Association of Physicists in Medicine},
timestamp = {2025-03-13T18:54:05.000+0100},
title = {Evaluation of a deformable registration algorithm for subsequent lung computed tomography imaging during radiochemotherapy},
volume = 43,
year = 2016