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%0 Journal Article
%1 sorensen2024gut
%A Sorensen, Luke
%A Humenick, Adam
%A Poon, Sabrina SB
%A Han, Myat Noe
%A Mahdavian, Narges S
%A Rowe, Matthew C
%A Hamnett, Ryan
%A Gómez-de Mariscal, Estibaliz
%A Neckel, Peter H
%A Saito, Ayame
%A Haase, Robert
%A others,
%D 2024
%I The Company of Biologists
%J Journal of Cell Science
%K topic_lifescience yaff
%N 20
%T Gut Analysis Toolbox--automating quantitative analysis of enteric neurons
%V 137
added-at = {2024-12-06T15:13:47.000+0100},
author = {Sorensen, Luke and Humenick, Adam and Poon, Sabrina SB and Han, Myat Noe and Mahdavian, Narges S and Rowe, Matthew C and Hamnett, Ryan and G{\'o}mez-de Mariscal, Estibaliz and Neckel, Peter H and Saito, Ayame and Haase, Robert and others},
biburl = {},
interhash = {b4896bb9f91df0ee54f6d9cc24e76c1a},
intrahash = {9dc8fd4795681c0663f68ab2ed626e75},
journal = {Journal of Cell Science},
keywords = {topic_lifescience yaff},
number = 20,
publisher = {The Company of Biologists},
timestamp = {2025-03-12T10:50:32.000+0100},
title = {Gut Analysis Toolbox--automating quantitative analysis of enteric neurons},
volume = 137,
year = 2024