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%0 Journal Article
%1 Weber_2024
%A Weber, Dieter
%A Ehrig, Simeon
%A Schropp, Andreas
%A Clausen, Alexander
%A Achilles, Silvio
%A Hoffmann, Nico
%A Bussmann, Michael
%A Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E
%A Schroer, Christian G
%D 2024
%I Oxford University Press (OUP)
%J Microscopy and Microanalysis
%K Iterative Live Ptychography Zno imported
%N 1
%P 103–117
%R 10.1093/mam/ozae004
%T Live Iterative Ptychography
%V 30
added-at = {2025-01-15T10:46:55.000+0100},
author = {Weber, Dieter and Ehrig, Simeon and Schropp, Andreas and Clausen, Alexander and Achilles, Silvio and Hoffmann, Nico and Bussmann, Michael and Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E and Schroer, Christian G},
biburl = {},
doi = {10.1093/mam/ozae004},
interhash = {909b3c92a9c056aad938dbc62be87f0b},
intrahash = {355f5e2a8bae710be8ef63e22a6c655e},
issn = {1435-8115},
journal = {Microscopy and Microanalysis},
keywords = {Iterative Live Ptychography Zno imported},
month = feb,
number = 1,
pages = {103–117},
publisher = {Oxford University Press (OUP)},
timestamp = {2025-01-29T12:23:50.000+0100},
title = {Live Iterative Ptychography},
url = {},
volume = 30,
year = 2024