
„Künstliche Intelligenz`` und Urheberrecht - Quo vadis?

Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, (2021)


``Artificial Intelligence`` (AI) is experiencing a boom which has undoubtedly impacted copyright law. ``AI``-generated works such as ``The Next Rembrandt'' raise the question whether, against the conventional anthropocentric focus of copyright law, such works are eligible for protection de lege lata. Moreover, the question regarding the protectability of ``AI`` has not yet been answered conclusively. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this thesis examines these questions as well as how creative ``AI`` is and what is understood by ``AI``. This thesis also considers options for action and the need for adaptation whilst offering a comparative analysis by examining the legal situation in the UK and the US.



    • @scadsfct

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