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%0 Generic
%1 heineking2024rankinggeneratedanswersagreement
%A Heineking, Sebastian
%A Probst, Jonas
%A Steinbach, Daniel
%A Potthast, Martin
%A Scells, Harrisen
%D 2024
%K imported yaff
%T Ranking Generated Answers: On the Agreement of Retrieval Models with Humans on Consumer Health Questions
added-at = {2024-12-16T11:31:33.000+0100},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
author = {Heineking, Sebastian and Probst, Jonas and Steinbach, Daniel and Potthast, Martin and Scells, Harrisen},
biburl = {},
eprint = {2408.09831},
interhash = {579bb578ec2c1a7475967a25254c31fb},
intrahash = {6942d5049efb175a33471864f1f41b1a},
keywords = {imported yaff},
primaryclass = {cs.IR},
timestamp = {2025-02-13T14:41:20.000+0100},
title = {Ranking Generated Answers: On the Agreement of Retrieval Models with Humans on Consumer Health Questions},
url = {},
year = 2024