Answering temporal CQs over temporalized Description Logic knowledge bases (TKB) is a main technique to realize ontology-based situation recognition. In case the collected data in such a knowledge base is inaccurate, important query answers can be missed. In this paper we introduce the TKB Alignment problem, which computes a variant of the TKB that minimally changes the TKB, but entails the given temporal CQ and is in that sense (cost-) optimal. We investigate this problem for ALC TKBs and conjunctive queries with LTL operators and devise a solution technique to compute (cost-optimal) alignments of TKBs that extends techniques for the alignment problem for propositional LTL over finite traces.
%0 Book Section
%1 Fernandez_Gil2023-zu
%A Fernández Gil, Oliver
%A Patrizi, Fabio
%A Perelli, Giuseppe
%A Turhan, Anni-Yasmin
%B Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
%D 2023
%I IOS Press
%K topic_knowledge
%T Optimal alignment of temporal knowledge bases
%X Answering temporal CQs over temporalized Description Logic knowledge bases (TKB) is a main technique to realize ontology-based situation recognition. In case the collected data in such a knowledge base is inaccurate, important query answers can be missed. In this paper we introduce the TKB Alignment problem, which computes a variant of the TKB that minimally changes the TKB, but entails the given temporal CQ and is in that sense (cost-) optimal. We investigate this problem for ALC TKBs and conjunctive queries with LTL operators and devise a solution technique to compute (cost-optimal) alignments of TKBs that extends techniques for the alignment problem for propositional LTL over finite traces.
abstract = {Answering temporal CQs over temporalized Description Logic knowledge bases (TKB) is a main technique to realize ontology-based situation recognition. In case the collected data in such a knowledge base is inaccurate, important query answers can be missed. In this paper we introduce the TKB Alignment problem, which computes a variant of the TKB that minimally changes the TKB, but entails the given temporal CQ and is in that sense (cost-) optimal. We investigate this problem for ALC TKBs and conjunctive queries with LTL operators and devise a solution technique to compute (cost-optimal) alignments of TKBs that extends techniques for the alignment problem for propositional LTL over finite traces.},
added-at = {2024-09-10T10:41:24.000+0200},
author = {Fern{\'a}ndez Gil, Oliver and Patrizi, Fabio and Perelli, Giuseppe and Turhan, Anni-Yasmin},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
interhash = {f4baeb08263706f0f7637f3a282c2f5a},
intrahash = {d3036ad32dbfa711f78478971709d4c6},
keywords = {topic_knowledge},
month = sep,
publisher = {IOS Press},
series = {Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications},
timestamp = {2024-11-28T17:41:10.000+0100},
title = {Optimal alignment of temporal knowledge bases},
year = 2023