%0 Journal Article
%1 vagliano2018innovation
%A Vagliano, Iacopo
%A Günther, Franziska
%A Heinz, Matthias
%A Apaolaza, Aitor
%A Bienia, Irina
%A Breitfuss, Gert
%A Blume, Till
%A Collyda, Chrysa
%A Fessl, Angela
%A Gottfried, Sebastian
%A others,
%D 2018
%J IEEE MultiMedia
%K imported zno
%N 3
%P 8--21
%T Open innovation in the big data era with the moving platform
%V 25
added-at = {2024-12-04T09:11:09.000+0100},
author = {Vagliano, Iacopo and G{\"u}nther, Franziska and Heinz, Matthias and Apaolaza, Aitor and Bienia, Irina and Breitfuss, Gert and Blume, Till and Collyda, Chrysa and Fessl, Angela and Gottfried, Sebastian and others},
biburl = {https://puma.scadsai.uni-leipzig.de/bibtex/2788c743455a85c11c759b8ab4deea64f/scadsfct},
interhash = {2692ca50481f93e7c540610985f729e7},
intrahash = {788c743455a85c11c759b8ab4deea64f},
journal = {IEEE MultiMedia},
keywords = {imported zno},
number = 3,
pages = {8--21},
publisher = {IEEE},
timestamp = {2025-03-12T13:51:18.000+0100},
title = {Open innovation in the big data era with the moving platform},
volume = 25,
year = 2018