%0 Journal Article
%1 hoffmann2024temperature
%A Hoffmann, Anne
%A Lorenz, Christian
%A Fallmann, Jörg
%A Wolff, Philippe
%A Lechner, Antony
%A Betat, Heike
%A Mörl, Mario
%A Stadler, Peter F
%D 2024
%J International Journal of Molecular Sciences
%K Zno imported
%N 16
%P 8823
%T Temperature-Dependent tRNA Modifications in Bacillales
%V 25
added-at = {2024-12-19T13:48:13.000+0100},
author = {Hoffmann, Anne and Lorenz, Christian and Fallmann, J{\"o}rg and Wolff, Philippe and Lechner, Antony and Betat, Heike and M{\"o}rl, Mario and Stadler, Peter F},
biburl = {https://puma.scadsai.uni-leipzig.de/bibtex/225aeca0d793cb8ecc2195e8e151c2bbe/scadsfct},
interhash = {6d127b1f39bc9a81dc024439fe4a9554},
intrahash = {25aeca0d793cb8ecc2195e8e151c2bbe},
journal = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences},
keywords = {Zno imported},
number = 16,
pages = 8823,
publisher = {MDPI},
timestamp = {2025-02-06T12:44:18.000+0100},
title = {Temperature-Dependent tRNA Modifications in Bacillales},
volume = 25,
year = 2024