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%0 Conference Paper
%1 elwasif2022early
%A Elwasif, W
%A Bastrakov, S
%A Bryngelson, Spencer H
%A Bussmann, Michael
%A Chandrasekaran, Sunita
%A Ciorba, F
%A Clark, Michael A
%A Debus, Alexander
%A Godoy, W
%A Hagerty, Nick
%A others,
%B HPC Asia
%D 2022
%K Arm-based Early GPU-accelerated HPC Zno application experiences modern platform
%T Early application experiences on a modern GPU-accelerated Arm-based HPC platform
%V 23
added-at = {2025-01-14T12:47:52.000+0100},
author = {Elwasif, W and Bastrakov, S and Bryngelson, Spencer H and Bussmann, Michael and Chandrasekaran, Sunita and Ciorba, F and Clark, Michael A and Debus, Alexander and Godoy, W and Hagerty, Nick and others},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {HPC Asia},
interhash = {ecd4b056c6888ee9728b37359310184e},
intrahash = {068d675ea7a162955b47191d2a78792d},
keywords = {Arm-based Early GPU-accelerated HPC Zno application experiences modern platform},
timestamp = {2025-01-29T13:36:35.000+0100},
title = {Early application experiences on a modern GPU-accelerated Arm-based HPC platform},
volume = 23,
year = 2022