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%0 Generic
%1 ankolekar2024advancingoncologyfederatedlearning
%A Ankolekar, Anshu
%A Boie, Sebastian
%A Abdollahyan, Maryam
%A Gadaleta, Emanuela
%A Hasheminasab, Seyed Alireza
%A Yang, Guang
%A Beauville, Charles
%A Dikaios, Nikolaos
%A Kastis, George Anthony
%A Bussmann, Michael
%A Khalid, Sara
%A Kruger, Hagen
%A Lambin, Philippe
%A Papanastasiou, Giorgos
%D 2024
%K Zno imported
%T Advancing oncology with federated learning: transcending boundaries in breast, lung, and prostate cancer. A systematic review
added-at = {2025-01-15T10:47:41.000+0100},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
author = {Ankolekar, Anshu and Boie, Sebastian and Abdollahyan, Maryam and Gadaleta, Emanuela and Hasheminasab, Seyed Alireza and Yang, Guang and Beauville, Charles and Dikaios, Nikolaos and Kastis, George Anthony and Bussmann, Michael and Khalid, Sara and Kruger, Hagen and Lambin, Philippe and Papanastasiou, Giorgos},
biburl = {},
eprint = {2408.05249},
interhash = {ca51284370ce2fe8cda70704922da601},
intrahash = {e439a176f84a832d602a4e48de8af390},
keywords = {Zno imported},
primaryclass = {cs.LG},
timestamp = {2025-01-29T12:21:24.000+0100},
title = {Advancing oncology with federated learning: transcending boundaries in breast, lung, and prostate cancer. A systematic review},
url = {},
year = 2024