added-at = {2024-11-25T13:07:39.000+0100},
author = {Meumann, Nadja and Cabanes-Creus, Marti and Ertelt, Moritz and Navarro, Renina Gale and Lucifora, Julie and Yuan, Qinggong and Nien-Huber, Karin and Abdelrahman, Ahmed and Vu, Xuan-Khang and Zhang, Liang and others},
biburl = {https://puma.scadsai.uni-leipzig.de/bibtex/26983df051e5ca24fa5fa99167795ea3f/scadsfct},
interhash = {6fd88c279f0e30f410d2917799fde943},
intrahash = {6983df051e5ca24fa5fa99167795ea3f},
journal = {Hepatology},
keywords = {topic_lifescience imported},
number = 3,
pages = {802--815},
publisher = {LWW},
timestamp = {2024-11-28T17:41:21.000+0100},
title = {Adeno-associated virus serotype 2 capsid variants for improved liver-directed gene therapy},
volume = 77,
year = 2023