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%0 Generic
%1 raith2024topologicalsimplifcationjacobisets
%A Raith, Felix
%A Scheuermann, Gerik
%A Heine, Christian
%D 2024
%K imported xack
%T Topological Simplifcation of Jacobi Sets for Piecewise-Linear Bivariate 2D Scalar Fields with Adjustment of the Underlying Data
added-at = {2024-12-16T10:16:39.000+0100},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
author = {Raith, Felix and Scheuermann, Gerik and Heine, Christian},
biburl = {},
eprint = {2408.08097},
interhash = {119afd24ec3a245cd7ac076922e57043},
intrahash = {fc856f9a6d055825942e2029b044088e},
keywords = {imported xack},
primaryclass = {cs.CG},
timestamp = {2025-02-13T15:19:34.000+0100},
title = {Topological Simplifcation of Jacobi Sets for Piecewise-Linear Bivariate 2D Scalar Fields with Adjustment of the Underlying Data},
url = {},
year = 2024